About mid-December, Kristen and her family were down visiting, and she told me she was training for the half-marathon for London's Run on January 30th. When she asked me to do it with her, I just laughed. I'd never run more than 5 miles at a time at that point. I don't know what came over me that next week, but I decided I was going to do it. I had 3 weeks to get ready (should have been about 3 months). I think I experienced almost every setback I could (blisters, side cramps, knee pain, back pain, etc). The furthest I ran before the race was 10 miles, so I was really, really nervous about the 13.1 miles. I could NOT sleep at all the night before. Amazingly enough, I finished it without walking. I wasn't very fast at all, but it felt so good to finish something that I NEVER thought I could and had never even considered. Anyway thanks for the push Kris. I would never have done it without you!