Thursday, July 9, 2009

Father's Day--very belated

Even though it's very late, I need to post a little about my hombre here for Father's Day. I'm so lucky that I can't think of a single thing I would change about the kind of dad Jeremy is. He would rather spend time with our boys than anything. He loves to take them with him whenever he's running errands on the weekends, and tries to do lots of one-on-one stuff with them. If we're ever going anywhere in 2 cars, they would all rather go with him (Jackson will sometimes come with me because he thinks I'll feel bad if I'm all alone).
Anyway, I hope these boys know that they are 3 lucky little guys to have him for their dad.
Can you tell Jeremy got to sleep in (cute bed-head).

Crew thought this "Backyardigans" card was the best thing ever. I don't think he let go of it for a good 2 hours after Jeremy opened it.