Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First Day Of School

Oh, the mixed emotions of your first born heading off to the world of public education. This was rough for me. He was thrilled to get to ride his bike to school with all of his friends in our neighborhood, but I wasn't sure he was going to make it to class, so I told him I'd take him for the first couple of days. He was not happy with that idea, and I knew that if I let him go with his friends, his whole outlook on kindergarten (all-day kindergarten at that) would be much better. So, I let him go and called the school about a half hour later and had the secretary peek into his class to make sure he made it.

I could not wait for him to get home on Monday, and when he did, I had a million questions for him. The first thing he said as he ran through the front door was, "I have a girl who is my best friend." I asked him what her name was, and he said, "Um, I don't know. She's the one who has a blue bow in her hair." Then I asked him about his teacher, and he said, "Mom, we were at story time at the library, and my teacher said, 'Look at Jackson. He's sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce so good, and his mouth is zipped shut', and she was happy with me". Then he told me all about his sandwich at lunch (which I later found out was the welfare lunch because I forgot to pay for his lunch ticket) and recess and how the new tires on his bike made him go faster than anyone else. Then this morning he left early and was off to school like he's done it a million times before. He loves it, but I still feel sick to my stomach every time that I think this stage of life is over for him. No more home with mom. I love that kid.
waiting for his fellow bikers with Riggles

2nd day of school


Jenny C said...

I don't like this at all!! It makes me sick to my stomach. He is so big.

dustin and amy said...

What a good mom to be more concerned with his first day of school memory rather than your heartache at letting him go. What an independant boy, I don't think Brock would have done that if I let him!

Unknown said...

all those stories are so cute! i can't believe he's already going to kindergarten!

Kassie Temple said...

I cannot believe he is old enough to go to kindergarten. He looks so happy and proud of himself. I love him!!!

Katie Moreno said...

He looks so grown up and the one photo he's like, "Ok Mom, can I go now!" Where does the time go?

Molly said...

I can't beleive he rode to school by himself on the first day! Okay I can believe it it, Jackson is very independent. I hope he had a fun first week of school. Hayden just started today, I'm crossing my fingers for him.

Spencer and Caroline Family said...

This entry put tears to my eyes. It is always hard to send the first to school and unfortunately for me it does not get any better with each kid. It is SO hard to see them go to school and not our little buddies at home with US!